Transitioning to HCFA 1500 02-12

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Transitioning your practice to use the new HCFA 1500 02-12 Form Format

By April 1st, 2014, Medicare and other payers require the use of this new form.

On and after March 9th, 2014, your practice will need to decide how and when to start using the new form.

The payers your practice sends to will fall into 2 groups;

  1. Payers that accept HCFA 1500 02-12
  2. Payers that do not accept HCFA 1500 02-12

DuxWare provides a method to print to both the HCFA 1500 02-12 and HCFA 1500 08-05 based on configuration of the DuxWare System and individual Payers.

Changing Default HCFA Form

To change the Default HCFA Form follow these steps:

  • Go to Support->Management->System Configuration
  • Search for 'HCFA'
  • Edit 'Which HCFA Form to Print' - change the value to 2 for HCFA 1500 02-12

This now means that unless you specifically change a Payer to use the HCFA 1500 08-05 form, all Claims will print to the HCFA 1500 02-12 Format.

Payers that require HCFA 1500 08-05

If a specific Payer wishes you to continue to send the HCFA 1500 08-05 Format to them follow these steps:

  • Go to Support->General->Payer Setup
  • Search for the Payer
  • Under the Billing Tab, change Billing Form Type to HCFA 1500 08-05.

This means that:

  • When individually Printing a HCFA where this Payer is primary the HCFA 1500 08-05 Format will be used.
  • When gathering Paper Form Claims, selecting HCFA 1500 08-05 will gather all claims filed to Payers with this Billing Form Format.

Changes To Your Workflow

Workflow when all payers use HCFA 1500 08-05

  • All Claims print to HCFA 1500 08-05 Format.
  • Paper Claims are gathered in 1 step.
  • You only load one Paper Form into the printer.

Workflow when all payers use HCFA 1500 02-12

  • All Claims print to HCFA 1500 02-12 Format.
  • Paper Claims are gathered in 1 step.
  • You only load one Paper Form into the printer.

Workflow while Payers transition

  • When Batch Printing Paper Claims you will run 2 jobs - One for HCFA 1500 02-12 Format and one for HCFA 1500 05-08 Format.
  • You will need to change forms in the printer. (Or have 2 Printers, each loaded with different forms. Or have a multi-tray printer with different forms in different trays)
  • You will need to pay attention to the form required when printing individual claims.