Claim Information
Payments – Auto-post – Tracking Reason Codes with Payments and Filing Status
Note: In the past, our electronic, secondary claim submission files would represent Patient Responsibility as reason code: PR:2. It has come to our attention that some payers are requiring the distinction between PR:1 (deductible) and PR:2 (co-insurance) from the primary payer’s remittance.
• If you are posting payments via our Auto-post system, the reason codes will automatically populate the [Message] area of the claim. All reason codes will link to the respective service line of the claim. If the responsibility is transferred to the next responsible payer, the reason codes will automatically be included in the submission file. • If you are manually posting, or if you need to resubmit a claim that needs the reason codes, they may be added in the Claim Edit area as needed. You will see a new button at the top of the Claim Information Screen: [Messages]. This will house the Reason/Remark Codes for the claim.